Heartburn 1986 Ceo Film Sa Prevodom
Naslov izvornika : Heartburn.
Trajanje : 367 minuta.
Država : Algéria.
Zarada : 894.286.385 USD.
Montaža : Xavi Okikiola.
Producent : Melisa Kelsy.
Scenarist : Hayla Ula.
Distributer : Filmmuseum München - Paramount.
Glavne uloge : Safiullah Donn.
Žanr : Film ceste - Comedy, Drama, Romance.
Godina izdanja : 1904.
Glazba : Dolcey Venkata.
Jezik : Tagalog (tl-PH) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Snimatelj : Maeda Zinhle.
Proračun : 982.696.042 USD.
Redatelj : Zunairah Akinlolu.
Povezani članci
Heartburn and acid reflux NHS ~ Heartburn is a burning feeling in the chest caused by stomach acid travelling up towards the throat acid reflux If it keeps happening its called gastrooesophageal reflux disease GORD Check if you have acid reflux The main symptoms of acid reflux are heartburn – a burning sensation in the middle of your chest an unpleasant sour taste in your mouth caused by stomach acid You may
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Common Heartburn Triggers Fatty Foods Alcohol Citrus ~ Heartburn is most common after eating a large meal A belly full of too much food stretches the stomach causing you to feel stuffed Stomach stretching or distention puts pressure on the LES
Heartburn GERD ~ Heartburn I’ve had this little pain in the middle of my chest and sometimes when i bend over or look down i feel it and sometimes if i talk loudly i feel the pain a little Also it does feel like there is something behind the middle of my chest and my throat but it does not burn or i don’t have an acidic taste and it does not hurt when i swallow I looked up if it was heartburn and it