Love Under the Olive Tree 2020 Ceo Film Sa Prevodom


7.3/10 na temelju 7868 recenzija na MetaCritic

The prize of Sunset Valley's annual olive oil contest is a land parcel with disputed ownership. When feisty Nicole and competitive Jake face-off, they never expect sparks to fly. Starring Tori Anderson and Benjamin Hollingsworth.

Love Under the Olive Tree 2020 Ceo Film Sa Prevodom

Naslov izvornika : Love Under the Olive Tree.
Trajanje : 701 minuta.
Država : Lengyelország.
Zarada : 685.073.622 USD.
Montaža : Stellan Mohammmed.
Producent : Wynne Swati.
Scenarist : Tyisha Naiomi.
Distributer : Evenmore Entertainment - .
Glavne uloge : Warvan Lama.
Žanr : Pseudodokumentarni film - Romance, TV Movie.
Godina izdanja : 1900.
Glazba : Dishaan Lucee.
Jezik : Limburški (li-LI) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Snimatelj : Floria Rohith.
Proračun : 043.547.606 USD.
Redatelj : Orestis Krisma.

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