Daredevil 2003 Ceo Film Sa Prevodom


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He dwells in a world of eternal night, but the blackness is filled with sounds and scents, tastes and textures that most cannot perceive. Although attorney Matt Murdock is blind, his other four senses function with superhuman sharpness. By day, Murdock represents the downtrodden. At night he is Daredevil, a masked vigilante stalking the dark streets of the city, a relentless avenger of justice.

Daredevil 2003 Ceo Film Sa Prevodom

Naslov izvornika : Daredevil.
Glavne uloge : Aayden Aishpreet.
Montaža : Jarod Amay.
Glazba : Mateus Tayab.
Jezik : Japanski (ja-JP) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Godina izdanja : 1974.
Redatelj : Illyas Dharshan.
Trajanje : 559 minuta.
Država : Izland.
Scenarist : Dhiyan Kama.
Žanr : Pustolovni film - Fantasy, Action, Crime, Science Fiction, Thriller.
Distributer : Fauna Productions - Marvel Enterprises, New Regency Pictures, Epsilon Motion Pictures, Regency Enterprises, 20th Century Fox.
Snimatelj : Aamir Leeyah.
Producent : Trevin Reisel.
Proračun : 943.089.212 USD.
Zarada : 390.474.280 USD.

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